Health surveillance is a system of ongoing health checks. These health checks may be required by law for employees who are exposed to noise or vibration, ionising radiation, solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health, or work in compressed air. Health Matters can make recommendations and create a Health Surveillance programme based on the specific needs of a business and can be carried out on site or within one of our regional clinic locations.
The primary purpose of fitness to work health assessments is to make sure that an individual is fit to perform their role in the workplace and any designated tasks effectively and without risk to their own or others’ health and safety. Fitness to work is relevant where illnesses or injuries reduce performance, or affect health and safety in the workplace. It may also be specific to certain hazardous tasks for which medical standards exist.
If you have workers who are undertaking safety critical tasks such as operating plant machinery, working on scaffolding at height, roadside construction or any other job that involves risk, then making sure they are healthy enough is imperative. Health Matters offer safety critical medicals that make sure your company stays on the right side of current health and safety legislation and best practice. It is a cost effective and simple way to monitor the health of your workforce and can easily be carried out onsite by a qualified health practitioner.
Health Matters offer a high quality and customer focused service enabling an employer to refer an employee for independent advice so as to help resolve a situation where an employee’s health might be affecting their fitness to carry out their job, or their job may be adversely affecting their health in some way.
Pre-placement health assessments (formally pre-employment screening) are a key management tool that form part of the recruitment process. These assessments should only be introduced once an offer of employment has been made. The aim of a pre-placement health assessment is to ensure that new employees are fit to fulfil the duties of the post, consider adjustments to the job if required and provide a record of health information as a starting point for further monitoring where necessary.
Our onsite occupational health service provides an excellent return on investment. It combines the advantages of an outsourced service (such as specialist expertise, service resilience, innovation and cost savings) alongside the benefits that arise from an in-house service (such as cultural familiarity, ease of access and highly tailored processes).
Employees are the key resource within any organisation. Our Health & Wellbeing services provide employers with an effective tool to help improve health and well-being in the workplace and beyond.
Health Matters provide a wide range of employee Health Checks ranging in from blood pressure assessments to lung function assessments . Our employee health checks can be used as a useful tool to evaluate overall employee health status as well as offering an employee with a valuable indication of personal health which can identify the need for lifestyle change.
Our sister company provides a diverse range of both externally accredited and internally certified workplace Health & Safety training courses. These courses are aimed at all types of workplaces and help employers meet their legislative requirement to provide employees with suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training.